As I begin this 35 day journey, I've got to actually use my brain and think of things that I'd like to blog about--- so since I have no plan for the next 35 days of blogging, I got some inspiration from my picture files. Here are some fun pics, from LAST MAY & THIS MAY of each girl...

Pressley has really blossomed in the last year-
She is or loves to:
-Potty Trained!
-Talking up a storm
-Counting to 16
-Sleeping in her Big Girl bed (no bed rail or anything)
-Drive her Big Wheel
-Do most everything BY HERSELF.
-helping with Laundry.
-putting her toys away.
-working on her ABC's
-knows shapes & colors.
-knows her "night time" and "dinner time" prayers.

Braelyn has really blossomed as well:
Here are some neat things about her...
-She sleeps with her full body covered with every blanket possible... from head to toe.
-She loves her "lambie" - Prissy has named it "white"
-She loves to read or be read to
-She is a big time dancer...seriously- this girl has got the moves.
-She loves to sing too, maybe we've got the next Demi Cyrus on or hands... wait, is that the correct name... or is it like Selena Lavato??? or Miley Gomez... :) just kidding...
-She can say "Mama" "Dada" "Bebe" "Coupieee" "Mock" (milk) "No" "Go" "Guck" (stuck) "clenk ouuu" (thank you) "Book" "Night Night" "bye bye" "Hiiiiiii" and probably more, just can't think of any more.
So, I hope you've enjoyed the look back in the past year.
See ya tomorrow!